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学术报告/通知 时间: 2021-03-10   来源:   【 |  | 】  【打印

(26-28 JUNE 2022 Beijing) Multiscale Architecting of Microstructures of Solids: Mechanics and Manufacture (MAMS-MM)



Website: https://iutam2022-mams-mm.casconf.cn/


We would like to propose a symposium on "Multiscale architecting of microstructures of solids: mechanics and manufacture (MAMS-MM)" in Beijing (26 - 28 June in 2022). We aim to foster discussions on how to tailor the mechanical behaviour of solids via multiscale architected design and the corresponding manufacturing strategies to realize advanced structures with desired performance and functionality.
    MAMS-MM represents an area that becomes a major research field for the communities of mechanics, materials and applied physics. The MAMS-MM forum covers researches not only on designing structural materials with unprecedented mechanical properties, but also on efficient ways to realize such hierarchical structures. There are many fundamental issues that need to be studied by experiments, theoretical analysis and computer modelling. The symposium solicits talks, either theoretical or experimental, on the following topics but is not limited to, heterogeneous solids, hierarchical materials, additive manufacturing for advanced solids, multi-physics modelling and performance prediction on architected solids, etc. This symposium will act as a forum to bring multidisciplinary researchers together to exchange ideas, discuss key issues, and promote industrial technology development for commercial production and applications.

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